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Why Dieting Can Make You Fatter!

By Nutrition

Call me crazy and obsessed but here I am.. at 6am, on a Sunday, writing a blog post because this subject is playing on my mind. Not sure If its because summer is coming about, but I am seeing a lot of people begin dieting right now. A lot of those people are going about it the wrong way. This is the reason I am up writing this right now. I don’t want to see friends, family.. anyone putting them self through a crap fad diet and actually getting fatter in the long run!

So I went to watch Wolf of Wall Street with my boyfriend last week.. What a film! If you don’t like lots of sex, drugs and over the top nudity in a film. Don’t go to watch it! Now this is not a film review.. So for anyone who has seen the film… ‘Sell me this pen‘. Jordan Belfort (Leonardo DiCaprio) is not only fricking hot in this film! He is an awesome sales man. He teaches his employees to be amazing sales people by giving the buyers urgency to have it.. They do not want it.. They need it. Now what ever ‘it’ may be, companies use this strategy to sell their products. Diet companies being one. They target the over weight, vulnerable, self conscious audiences with their fad diets claiming extreme weight loss. ‘Lose 1 stone in 1 week‘ Seriously… If you lose 1 stone in one week your body is going to need help.

So before all you dieters get up in my face and tell me your diet worked. I’m not claiming diets don’t work. A lot of diets work.. In the short term. Do you want short term fat loss? I didn’t think so. This is why a lifestyle change is needed. This is a long term change which results in long term fat loss with out using these crazy diets.

Lets look at how a diet works.. Diets are a reduce in calorie intake which means your energy expenditure is higher than your intake. This causes the body to use the fat stores as a fuel resulting in fat loss. Sounds good right? Well not exactly. By reducing your calorie intake, your slowly reducing your metabolism. This means your body is becoming more efficient, getting use to running off less and less calories. ‘I want to have an efficient metabolism though right’? No. Having an efficient metabolism is bad for fat loss. We want to be able to put more in (more calories) and use less. Pretty much eat more and stay slim.

So you finish your crazy fad diet plan.. Your eating 1000 calories a day, but thats okay because you have lost 2 stone and you can go back to eating normally now… Think again!!! This is where diets suck. You go back to your normal diet of 2000 calories a day and the weight begins to pile back on. This is because your body has become efficient at using the little amount of calories you are giving it. So to maintain your weight you would have to stay eating 1000 calories a day because this is all your body needs. Now eating more than 1000 calories a day means your energy intake would be more than your expenditure causing fat storage. And because you have been depriving your body it is now a fat storing machine. A hungry monster in starvation mode ready to store every extra calorie you give it! Also being restricted from so much food on your diet, your going to go off the rails binging on donuts, chocolate and cake! This is going to cause even more fat gain.

1 month on and you have put on 2.5 stone. Your metabolism is still slow (efficient) which has caused ‘fat over shooting’. Fat over shooting is where your fat levels go passed what they were before you started your diet. This happens because you go back to eating normally and your metabolism doesn’t increase. Your unhappy and ready to start dieting again. So down the calories go… You have that goal weight in mind but this time your going to have to take the calories even lower because your metabolism is slower (more efficient). You reach your goal weight at 800 calories this time. Your body is super efficient at using the fuel your giving it with a really low metabolism. You finish the diet and boom. Hello weight gain … For most people this cycle will continue for most of their lives and they will actually get fatter and fatter over time. This is why a life style change is needed. A long term solution!

Before you break down crying saying your going to be fat forever, I am going to explain to you what you need to do. Now this is just what I have found to work and what has also worked with my clients. Here are some pointers on how to make a lifestyle change with your nutrition and how to get long term results!

  1. Make changes which are realistic and sustainable! Its all well and good going on a juicing diet for a month but your going to have to eat normally again at some point. Guess what happens when you eat normal food again.. Fat gain!!!
  2. Learn how to read nutrition labels. There are many foods out there claiming to be healthy. Low fat vanilla yogurt… Check the label and you will see the fat has been removed and replaced with a ton of sugar. Not cool!
  3. Don’t cut out whole food groups. Its all well and good saying..‘I’m never eating sugar, dairy or wheat again’. Well realistically you will so allow your self everything in moderation.
  4. Don’t think of foods as good and bad. Moving on from point number 3.. If you make these associations with certain foods as bad it can cause a unhealthy relationship with this food. This means when you do allow your self a small amount of ‘bad’ food it will often lead to a binge as you feel your cheating!
  5. Eat good fats! Fat does not make you fat so don’t cut out fats. Make sure you get unsaturated fats from sources such as salmon, avocado and nuts. These fats keep your skin hair and nails beautiful while keeping your brain functioning.
  6. Reduce sugar intake. Sugar spikes blood insulin levels which can cause fat gain. Get carbohydrates from complex carbs e.g. sweet potato, brown rice and oats.
  7. Get your protein. Protein plays a vital role in muscle growth and recovery so after you have worked your ass off in the gym your body needs protein to recover! Great sources of protein are lean meats, cottage cheese, eggs and protein powders.
  8. Minerals and vitamins. When people diet they often get deprived from certain minerals and vitamins. Because many people will cut out dairy they end up having low calcium levels. Calcium plays a vital role in bone and muscle health. You may need to supplement with a multivitamin to maintain levels in the body. Keeping your veggie and fruit intake up will also help with this.
  9. Make sure your diet is balanced. Its all well and good eating healthy foods but make sure your eating enough of each food type. Macros calculators such as IIFYM can be used to find out how much of everything you need to be eating.. Everyone is different though so be careful of these generic calculators. They are good to use as a rough guide.
  10. Enjoy your food! Finally make sure you enjoy your food. You will not stick to anything if your food tastes like crap. Its not all about eating plain chicken, rice and broccoli every meal. Do your research for healthy new recipe ideas. Keep mixing it up and try new foods. For this to work it is essential what you are eating tastes good.

If you want to know more about the science behind all this. Watch Lane Nortons video on ‘Is Your Weight Loss Diet Making You Fatter?‘. He is an extremely intelligent guy from the USA and who is fricking awesome! He knows his stuff and you should defiantly make time to watch some of his videos. He has taught me most of what I know about nutrition and dieting!

Please use my tips and advice to help you make your first step to a lifestyle change. Its not easy which is why people like my self are there to offer nutrition plans.

Everyone is different so a nutrition plan made specifically for an individual can work very well for long term fat loss. A nutrition plan would involve sustainable changes in the individuals diet with controlled calorie restriction followed by a reverse diet to increase metabolic capacity. This should be done with the help of a nutritional advisor or personal trainer like my self to ensure the correct method is used for you to maintain optimal health and maximal fat loss!

Be Healthy and Be Happy 😀




Whipped Egg White, Pumpkin Oatmeal

By Nutrition

Hi all! Sorry I have been so crap at posting recently. I am currently doing my chemistry pre courses to study a nutritional therapy degree!! EEEEE EXCITING! For those of you who know me well and follow me, I am extremely passionate about nutrition so feel I ought to take my knowledge to the next level so I can help more people doing what I love.

So, what’s new? The personal trainer I work with quit last week which has left me with a huge influx of clients which he left behind WOOOO. Clearly this has given me even less time to cook and blog which is a bit of a bummer but as of next week i’m going to be back in that kitchen, baking goodies like there is no tomorrow! I cannot wait.

I am just coming to terms with the fact I can’t be super lean all year round. For a start it is not healthy to have very low body fat for long periods of time being a woman! But mainly I can’t bloody enjoy my food and stay super shredded. I am the biggest foodie. I fricking LOVE food! Melbourne offers some of the most amazing crazy restaurants and no way am I missing out on that shit! A guy said to me the other day. ‘I wouldn’t want a girl who could compare abs with me.. I want a girl with a big booty who can smash a cheese cake with me and have a little fun…. Soooooo I have decided I am one of those girls!! Of course I won’t be ‘smashing’ cheese cakes every day.. But I will be smashing one of my healthy protein ‘clean treat’ goodies every day. And I will be having cheat meals every weekend. If anyone wants to comment…, my reply will be.. ‘I’m Bulking‘ because anyone can get away with that these days :D! I think if I am healthy and happy thats all that matters. There is more to life than being ‘shredded’.. Get that balance and you will be cruzzzzing!!!

This recipe is the bomb! Like holy oatmeal! Its so good.. Its not the quickest thing to prepare so it is currently my weekend breakfast. I think it should stay that way because it makes me appreciate it so much more! 🙂 shit….. Just remembered its Saturday tomorrow, so I get to have this fluffy, puffy, sweet, pumpkiny bowl of goodness in the morning AHHHH TOO EXCITED. Okay i’m over excited. Sorry.. Here is the recipe. Enjoy beautiful people 🙂

Whipped Egg White, Pumpkin Oatmeal


makes 1

  • 150g pumpkin puree
  • 30g oats
  • 1 tbsp chai seeds
  • 1 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 10 drops of liquid stevia (I used cinnamon vanilla)
  • 1/4 tsp xatham gum
  • 200ml water (could use almond milk also)


Combine oats, chai seeds, flaxseed and water in a small bowl and leave in the fridge to soak (preferably over night). When oat mix has soaked, remove from fridge and transfer to saucepan on low heat. Stir in pumpkin puree, cinnamon and stevia, and leave to simmer. While the oatmeal cooks. Place 2 egg whites and xatham gum in a cup or small mixing bowl. Whisk until stiff peaks are formed (1-2 minutes). Add extra liquid to the oatmeal if it looks too dry then remove from the heat. Quickly stir the egg whites into the oatmeal, making sure it is fully mixed in. Allow to stand for around 2 minutes then pour into a bowl and top with a little extra cinnamon. ENJOY!!!

Notes: Have a play around with different spices to change the flavor. I tried coconut stevia and topped it with coconut flakes one time which was delicious!!!



Gluten Free, Dairy Free, Beetroot Protein Blondies

By Nutrition

Finally some great weather in Melbourne again this week! Hitting about 20 degrees every day 🙂 YAY.. Good week for nice weather as I have been flyering the streets all week for a promo we have on at work. Their are so many ups and downs being a promo girl. One minute everyone who walks passed smiles and accepts a flyer. The next minute a grumpy old man tells you to fuck off and you loose the will to live. I was just delirious most of the time as I was doing this on top of my usual personal training split shift (6am-10am then 4pm to 8pm). I have to say i’m glad promo week is over. Yesterday everyone could clearly tell I was over it and I was giving off the ‘wrong vibe’…. This resulted in a total of 4 fuck offs. I genuinely wanted to cry.. On the plus side, I have so many new clients from promo week so I can’t complain 🙂 🙂

Today I woke up with glands in my neck the size of golf balls. So I finished work, came home and passed out on the sofa for about 3 hours! On top of this I ate sooooooo much… I feel I need extra energy to fight off getting ill… (well thats my excuse). I’m also taking a few days off training which is super hard for me. I get stuck in my head that my muscles are going to fall off if I take like 3 rest days when I know this is clearly what I need. Its important to give the body rest. Listen to your body. If you feel like crap, don’t train. Often after taking 3-4 days rest you will actually come back stronger as well which is always amazing 🙂

So seeing as my sweet potato, protein, brownies were such a hit with all you fitness fanatics… I decided to make something similar. Clearly due to my stupidly long working hours this week, my head wasn’t screwed on properly and I thought… FUCK IT. Beetroot!!!! BEETROOT.. Bet your all thinking ‘eww gross‘. But for real. These are so yummy. The only reason I used beetroot was because I wanted to make them pink. Yes I could blab on about the health benefits of beetroot. But all I thought was YAY PINK! I also took on the challenge from one of my clients who wanted something gluten and dairy free to bake… Soooooo.. These are GLUTEN AND DAIRY FREE!!!! Not only that. They are free from refined sugar. WOOO 🙂

Beetroot Protein Blondies


Makes 12

  • 2 eggs
  • 1 ripe banana
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 100g gluten free oats
  • 100ml unsweetened almond milk
  • 1 scoop of gluten free, dairy free protein powder (I used brown rice(vanilla))
  • 100g almond butter
  • 300g sweet potato (peeled)
  • 10 drops of vanilla stevia
  • 100g roasted beetroot
  • 30g gluten free, dairy free dark chocolate
  • 50g gluten free, dairy free granola (I used my homemade granola)


Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees. Take the sweet potato and boil/steam/microwave until soft. While the sweet potato cooks, combine all other ingredients except the chocolate and granola. Once the sweet potato is soft, add to the rest of the ingredients and blend until smooth consistency is reached. Pour the mixture into a cake tin and top with chopped dark chocolate and granola. Place into the oven for 20-25 minutes. You want them to still be slightly gooey when you take them out. Once cooked, remove from tin and allow to cool. They taste best when warm and can be re heated in the microwave 🙂

Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Sweet Potato Protein Brownies

By Nutrition

Hellllll.. I’m going to get straight too it and say these are the best thing I have ever created in the kitchen! I mean Jesus Christ. These are fucking fantastic. I cannot wait to share the recipe with you!! Look at the name.. I couldn’t even work out what to call these things because no words can describe their greatness..

Okay sorry.. Blowing my own trumpet slightly here

Melbourne’s weather has been absolutely shocking this week. Why did no one warn me how bipolar the weather is here! Literally I walk to work in a fricking thunder storm. Two hours later I leave work to a stint of gorgeous sun. By the time I have walked home its blowing a hooly again and pissing it down with rain. Not Cool!

On the plus side, my ‘bulk’ is going absolutely fabulously. I have gained 1cm around my hips… 1 CENTER METER. Sounds like a pathetic gain but this is such an achievement for me as my glutes refuse to grow.. EVER. Only down side is my obliques have ballooned from the amount of heavy squats and dead lifts I’m doing, so I no longer have a waist. Just can’t win. Body sculpting is the most frustrating thing sometimes!!

The great thing about these brownies are that they provide you with protein, carbs and healthy fats making them the perfect post workout snack!

Peanut Butter, Chocolate Chip, Sweet Potato Protein Brownies


Makes 9

  • 350g peeled sweet potato
  • 1 egg (or 2 egg whites)
  • 1/2 tsp cinnamon
  • 100g natural peanut butter (or other nut butter)
  • 100g honey
  • 50g low fat greek yogurt
  • 20g wholemeal flour (use coconut flour for gluten free)
  • 50g oats
  • 1 scoop vanilla protein (I used Optimum Nutrition)
  • 75g dark chocolate chips


Pre heat the oven to 180 degrees. Chop up sweet potato and steam, boil or microwave untill soft. When cooked, add to mixing bowl along with all other ingredients, except for the chocolate chips, then blend/whisk ingredients together. If the mix is too thick add a splash of almond milk. Pour the mixture into a greased or lined baking tin. Add the chocolate chips and slowly stir in. Because the mixture is warm from the sweet potato, the chocolate will begin to melt slightly giving that ripple look through the brownies. If you want your chocolate chips to stay whole then wait for the mixture to cool before adding the chocolate chips. Place baking tin into the oven for 20 minutes. They should be slightly gooey when you take them out the oven. Cut into 8 slices and leave to cool (if you can control your self)


Try adding chopped nuts to the mixture along with the chocolate chips to give them more texture 🙂


Protein Ice Cream

By Nutrition

We are lucky fuckers this week here in Australia because this Friday is Anzac Day. That means another long weekend!! YAY.. Seeing as easter weekend was a bit of a blow out, food and money wise… This weekend will defiantly be a chilled one!

One of my clients came in today, first day back after the long weekend. She managed to not eat a single piece of chocolate this weekend! Not just chocolate, she didn’t cheat once.. Respect for that. Although she seemed annoyed at why her family and friends were so confused when she didn’t eat roast dinner, or indulge in the chocolate on offer. A lot of people struggle to keep old friends when moving to a fit healthy lifestyle and find they annoy their family.. This should totally not be the case. Firstly I will come back to my last post on getting the balance. If your healthy and on track 90% of the time you will see results. This is why you must plan cheats for times which are convenient. It would have been the perfect time for my client to have a cheat with her family and friends this weekend but she had it mid week instead!!  PLAN PLAN PLAN… Secondly, your going to piss people off if your out for lunch or dinner and you don’t eat anything. Don’t do it. You will not enjoy your self and you will kill the atmosphere for everyone else. Not only that you will get tones of comments like ‘are you starving your self‘ or ‘are you sure you don’t have an eating disorder‘.. Nothing more annoying than that!! Lastly, don’t talk about it, live it. No one wants to sit and listen to miss fitness in the corner who talks non stop about how long she worked out this morning and how she hasn’t eaten chocolate for 5 weeks in a row. THE PROOF IS IN THE PUDDING. Your friends and family will see how awesome you look so don’t lecture them about it! Give it time and people will be bugging you constantly to find out your ‘secret’ 🙂

So protein ice cream is something I eat daily. It is made with casein protein which is a slow release protein. It is digested and absorbed over a longer period of time. This leads to a constant supply of amino acids to the blood stream for up to 7 hours. Studies show this continual supply of amino acids may significantly slow down the break down of muscle while your asleep and fasting! This makes it the perfect bed time snack. The beauty of it is you can make it fit your macros. If your fat is low you can add a spoon of peanut butter. If your carbs are low, add some puffed brown rice for some crunch. If your proteins low add half a low fat, low carb protein bar. And if you don’t have many macros left, it’s delicious on its own!! 🙂


Makes 1

Ice cream base:

  • 1 scoop of casein protein (I use 100% casein, Optimum nutrition in vanilla)
  • 1/2 tsp xanthan gum
  • 200ml unsweetened almond milk
  • 100ml water

Flavorings (optional):

  • 1tsp raw cacao powder
  • flavored stevia (caramel is great)
  • 1/2 tsp of cinnamon
  • 1 tbsp PB2


Blend all the ‘base’ ingredients in a blender along with any additional flavorings wanted (I sometimes add all of them for a reeces peanut butter cup flavor). Place mixture in a bowl/tub and freeze for around 3 hours. Remove from the freezer and place back into the blender. Blend until smooth and ice crystals gone. At this point, if you want a thicker ice cream you can add a pinch more xanthan gum (a little goes a long way). If the ice cream is too thick and will not blend, add a splash of water. Put the ice cream back into a bowl and add any toppings..

Enjoy 🙂


Low Fat Hummus Recipe

By News

Firstly.. HAPPY EASTER! So everyone has hopefully had a fun filled,chocolate fueled weekend. I have a mega food baby and cannot wait to get my diet back on track! It’s all about balance in life. You must give your self time to cheat on your diet and have a blow out every now and again. I would literally drive my self mad if I couldn’t have chocolate. I personally allow my self one cheat meal a week which allows me to indulge in the foods I am craving while keeping on track. Cheats must be planned, not spontaneous. This way you can plan a cheat for when you deserve it and maybe on a convenient day. For me this is Saturday night as we always go out for meals. This will also prevent you from feeling guilty if you know you are having a treat because you really deserve it. The guilt will come when you have a random binge, mid week when you know you shouldn’t. This causes stress which is scientifically proven to make your body hold onto body fat…. DON’T STRESS!!!

So my tips for cheat meals are….

  1. Plan a time and day convenient for you to have a cheat meal
  2. Decide what you want to eat or where you want to go for a meal depending on what your craving. This will stop you eating everything you come across
  3. Don’t feel guilty! If it was planned and you ate what you craved then got back on track after the cheat then you cannot feel guilty. Remember stress causes you to hold fat!
  4. Don’t try and make your cheat healthy. If your craving something which is healthy.. Happy days 🙂 Go for it. But if you want cheese, go ahead and have cheese because that craving will not disappear until you satisfy it!
  5. Don’t go wild.. Its not a game of eat as much as you physically can. You will probably throw up!

So after we have all eaten too much chocolate you will be pleased to go wild with this savory recipe..WOOO SAVORY. This is my first savory post on the blog so I hope you like it! Most shop brought hummus is full of oil which makes it very high in fat and calories. It is also super expensive so why not make your own?


  • 240g chickpeas
  • 50g peanut butter
  • 100g 0% fat greek yoghurt
  • Juice of one lemon
  • 1 garlic clove
  • 1/2 tsp paprika
  • 1/2 tsp cumin
  • salt and pepper to taste


Combine all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.. Easy. Store in the fridge.


There are many great variations to this recipe. Try using different nut butters for different flavors. Add roasted aubergine or red pepper?

Healthy Protein Brownies

By Nutrition

There is nothing more awkward than going to see a comedian who isn’t actually funny! Most of the time they probably are quite funny but I just don’t understand the jokes. I went to see Franky Boyle once who was great. Well… What I could understand of it! His accent is so strong I spent most of the time trying lip read the jokes. By the time I had figured it out, the joke was finished and I was the only one laughing! CRINGE… So the comedy festival is on in Melbourne right now.. It is mad coming from Cornwall where there is very little going on for most of the year to this!! Melbourne is constantly buzzing with festivals, shows and events which is a real treat for us country bumpkins. After the epic fail watching Franky Boyle, I insisted that we go and watch a comedian from the UK with no accent so I can keep up with the jokes. We managed to get tickets to Doc Brown. If you haven’t seen him before it is essential you either watch him on YouTube or get to one of his shows. Frickin hilarious!!! The evening was topped off by going to a stunning bar on south bank with some friends.. so spoiled!

I also managed to go to a fitness expo this weekend. 3 girls. On a re-feed day. With heaps of freebies. Imagine the situation!! A lot of protein bar samples were consumed lets just say that. This was such an eye opener to some of the shit which is on sale advertised as ‘protein bar‘. Just because it says protein bar on the label this does not mean healthy.. Watch out for this. Most of the time your eating the equivalent to a protein pumped mars bar which is not cool for the waist line! Loaded with sugar and saturated fat! Saying that there are some great bars out there such as Quest Bars which have no sugar, low fat and are made with good quality ingredients! The best way is always to make your own though, as you can customize recipes to fit your nutritional needs 🙂

One of the bars I tried was a protein brownie. The brand I cannot remember but it contained the ingredients of a brownie with added whey protein. How BULLSHIT is that. It annoys me what people are being tricked into eating this crap. Brownies are famous for being ridiculously high in calories. My daily allowance of fat and sugar would easily be covered in a big slab of brownie. This sucks… I love brownies. I have not yet eaten a good, yummy healthy brownie.. I have been trying to create a healthy brownie which doesn’t taste like ass for months now and I think I have finally nailed it. My boyfriend actually questioned how healthy it was while eating them because they taste so good! YAY result!

Make sure you get baking these in time for easter to distract you from all the heaps of chocolate… Treat your family and friends to a healthy brownie for a good easter present. They will thank you after when they have not gained half a stone from the easter binge!

Healthy Protein Brownie

Makes 8


  • 100g oats
  • 70g chocolate whey powder (I use Optimum Nutrition)
  • 25g raw cacao
  • 3 whole eggs
  • 1 egg white
  • 10 drops of liquid stevia (I used caramel)
  • 100g wholewheat flour
  • 200ml water
  • Pinch of salt
  • 100g dark chocolate chips


Pre heat the oven to 180c. Combine protein powder with water, eggs, salt and stevia and whisk until smooth consistency is reached. Combine cacao, flour and oats in a separate bowl and slowly mix into the protein/egg mix. Fold in the chocolate chips then place mix into a greased baking tray. Bake in the oven for roughly 12 minutes. You want the top to be firm but still a little bit gooey inside. Allow to cool and cut into squares.


The brownies taste best warm when the chocolate chips are melted. You can always reheat them in the microwave for 40 seconds on a high heat!




Frozen Peanut Butter Protein Slice

By Nutrition

I am ill.. I never get ill, ever! I am awful at being ill because I hate doing nothing. My appetite has also gone which is totally weird from usually being hungry 24/7. The only cravings I am having is for sweet stuff so I made these high protein goodies.. I am TOO excited to share this recipe with you as it turned out like 100 times better than I ever expected. The truth is they were meant to be fridge bars but I messed up.. After playing around with different flavors, I managed to throw something together and left it in the fridge for a few hours. As I went to slice the bars I found they were a gooey mess.. Brilliant. This was a job for the freezer. Thank god after some time in the freezer, they transformed into chewy,melt in your mouth bars of goodness. They are incredible. I use to be obsessed with those ice cream cookie sandwiches.. I think I can almost say they are better than ice cream cookie sandwiches (and thats saying something).. The only bummer is that I can’t take them to work because they will go back to the previous gooey fridge mess! Dammmnnnn… Each bar is super high in protein (17g if using Optimum Nutrition whey) with no sugar or saturated fat. Perfect for a post workout snack.

Protein Bottom Layer

Makes 8 Ingredients:

  • 100g oats
  • 1tsp xanthan gum
  • 100g peanut butter
  • 10-15 drops of liquid stevia to taste (I use English Toffee flavor)
  • 200ml almond milk
  • 4 scoops of protein powder (I use Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Whey)

Directions: Put peanut butter in a the microwave for around 45 seconds or until runny. While waiting for the peanut butter, blend together the protein powder, almond milk, stevia and xanthan gum. Add the peanut butter and oats to this mix and stir until a thick paste is achieved with no clumps of oats. Line a tray (about 7×7 inches) with tin foil or grease proof paper. This makes it far easier to get them out!! Place the mixture into the tray and spread out evenly. Now for the chocolate topping…..

Chocolate Topping


  • 100g dark chocolate
  • 2 tbsp almond milk

Directions: Break up dark chocolate into a bowl and add almond milk. Microwave for 20 second intervals for around 60 seconds,siring in between. When all the chocolate has melted and a smooth consistency is reached, pour over the protein oat base. Allow to cool for 30 minutes before placing in the freezer. For best results leave for 24 hours before slicing. When slicing, remove from the tray and use a very sharp knife to cut slices. Store in the freezer and allow to thaw for 3-4 minutes before eating (else you might break your teeth) Note: Serve with a coconut milk coffee.. You will not be disappointed!!!

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

By Nutrition

Monday came way too quickly this weekend and to top it off the weather is crap! Melbourne is slowly moving into winter. After spending the last 3 month in 30-40 degree weather, I cannot handle the cold right now. Got to work at 6 am for my first client today who brought me a box of frosties.. FROSTIES!!! I haven’t been able to find frosties in the supermarkets in Melbourne since arriving in Australia. They are my favorite cereal to have on my re-feed days and she clearly got fed up of my whining and got me some! Absolute BABBBEE!!

So my re-feed day is not until Saturday 🙁 and with a massive sweet craving I decided to bake some goodies.. These cookies are soooooooo yummy! They are low fat with no refined sugar. With just 70 calories per cookie.. (6g carbs, 1g protein and 4g fat)

Coconut Chocolate Chip Cookies

Makes 13


  • 100g oats
  • 50g dessicated coconut
  • 2 eggs
  • 1 scoop of protein powder (I used Optimum Nutrition Vanilla Ice Cream)
  • 10 drops of English toffee stevia
  • 30g of dark chocolate chips
  • 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon


Pre heat oven to 180 degrees. Combine all ingredients except chocolate chips in a bowl and stir until an even dough is formed. Mold 13 balls with hands and place on a baking tray. Carefully flatten balls and put 4-5 chocolate chips on each cookie, pressing them in to the dough. Bake in the oven for around 10 minutes.

Healthy Nutella Cookies

By Nutrition

When I am food shopping I purposely avoid the chocolate isle. My weakness is chocolate. So with easter looming, this is a hard time for me! The super markets have begun to fill every isle with chocolate deals. Not just the chocolate isle.. Every single isle!!!! Not only is there cute little chocolate bunnies and eggs on offer. The Nutella is half price.. HALF PRICE!! Why would they do this. I fricking love Nutella. Fortunately I managed to control my self and slowly strolled to the veggie section where I unenthusiastically filled my basket with leafy greens.

With an uncontrollable Nutella craving, I decided to whip up Nutella Cookies. This recipe was a complete fluke by throwing ingredients together and I have no idea how they taste so bloody good. They are dairy free, low in saturated fats and so speedy to make 🙂

Nutella Cookies

Makes 4


  • 2 tbsp raw cacao powder
  • 2 tbsp honey
  • 10 drops of liquid hazelnut stevia
  • 2 eggs
  • 2 tbsp nut butter (I used natural peanut butter)
  • 1 cup of wholemeal flour (approximately)


Pre heat the oven to 180c. Put the nut butter in the microwave for around 1 minute or until soft. Add all wet ingredients together and stir until combined. whisk in the raw cacao then slowly add the flour. The mixture will form into a hard dough like consistency which you can mold with your hands. Split mixture into 4 and mold into 4 cookies. Place  cookies on baking tray and bake for 8 minutes. These taste the best out the oven. So If you manage to not scoff the lot, store in an air tight container once cooled.


Try dipping in almond milk. Literally the best thing ever!